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Guido Plicht
Commercial Technology Manager - Europa
Bright annealing of steels requires conditions that are reducing to steel oxides. Traditionally, the Ellingham diagram has been used to predict the conditions that correspond to oxidation of pure metals or reduction of their oxides. This method can be used to predict the conditions that should be reducing to iron oxides and the oxides of the alloying elements added to steels, such as chromium when stainless steels are considered. This traditional approach is not precise because it only uses thermodynamic data for pure metals and their oxides—it ignores the fact that iron and alloying elements form a solid solution. In addition, you can only determine the approximate equilibrium partial pressure ratio of hydrogen and water vapor for oxidation of a specific metal at a particular temperature.
Alternatively, you can use more accurate and convenient diagrams for steels and other alloys, which are created with the help of modern databases and computer programs, such as FactSage™ (thermochemical software and database package developed jointly between Thermfact/CRCT and GTT-Technologies) or Thermo-Calc software. Using the oxidation-reduction curves, presented as dew point of pure hydrogen or nitrogen-hydrogen atmospheres versus temperature, you can quickly select the atmosphere for annealing steels without formation of oxides. The diagram in Figure 1 was calculated using FactSage. This diagram shows that oxidation-reduction curves for Fe-18%Cr and Fe-18%Cr-8%Ni systems representing stainless steels are higher than the corresponding Cr/Cr₂O₃ curves. For alloys (e.g. steels), you can achieve more precise calculations using thermodynamic data from both the pure substances (i.e. pure metals and oxides) and solutions databases. Such diagrams can be produced specifically for the steels of interest and variety of atmosphere compositions.
These methods can help you troubleshoot and optimize your annealing operation by balancing hydrogen usage versus product quality.
Oxidation-reduction curves for pure chromium, Fe-18%Cr and Fe-18%Cr-8%Ni for the total pressure of 1 atm with a hydrogen partial pressure of 0.05 atm, corresponding N₂-5% H₂. (This diagram has been produced using thermodynamic data for solutions in addition to the data for pure elements and their oxides.)
Figure 1:
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Each Atmosphere Solution is Customized for Your Needs
We can help you choose the right atmosphere composition.
- Select and provide blending and flow control equipment
- Perform on-site atmosphere analyses for consistent dimensional control, carbon control, and physical and metallurgical properties
- Optimize your furnace process to lower operating costs
- Perform state-of-the-art metallographic and chemical analyses (SEM, ESCA, SAM, ISS, SIMS)
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- Test atmospheres using your parts in our lab furnaces
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Compressed argon gas and liquid argon in a variety of purities and in various modes of supply around the world thanks to our network of storage and transfill facilities.
Een inert gas voor cryogene toepassingen, warmteoverdracht, afscherming, lekdetectie, analyse en hijstoepassingen
Gewaardeerd om zijn reactieve en beschermende eigenschappen, en gebruikt door vele industrieën zoals elektronica, voedingsmiddelen, glas, chemicaliën, raffinage en meer kunnen profiteren van de unieke eigenschappen om de kwaliteit te verbeteren, prestaties te optimaliseren en kosten te verlagen.
Nuttig als gas, vanwege de inerte eigenschappen en als vloeistof voor koelen en vriezen. Vrijwel elke industrie kan profiteren van de unieke eigenschappen om de opbrengst te verbeteren, de prestaties te optimaliseren en de bedrijfsvoering veiliger te maken.
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